Phil Blows, CEO of AQRU on The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast

Our CEO, Phil Blows, was a guest at The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast discussing the topic of passive income and financial freedom for business owners.
Phil and Stephen Halasnik from Financing Solutions, a leading provider of unsecured business lines of credit, talked about the need for having passive income to ensure financial freedom for business owners. The importance of income diversification in this rapidly changing world cannot be overemphasized. And passive income can be a great way for business owners to generate extra cash flow without having to sacrifice a lot of time they would normally spend on their business.
With Phil as the featured guest, the conversation naturally turned to the opportunities for business owners to leverage cryptocurrency to create passive income, like earning interest on the crypto they already have, or building a well-balanced diversified crypto portfolio with AQRU’s range of Invest products.
You can listen to the full episode or read summary on the official webpage of The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast: Passive Income and Financial Freedom For Business Owners, or watch the video in our YouTube channel.
*Video recording was made before changes in interest rates for AQRU
About Stephen Halasnik, The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast and Financing Solutions
Financing Solutions is a leading provider of small business lines of credit. The credit line is fast, easy, inexpensive, and costs nothing to set up making it great for emergencies or opportunities. Stephen Halasnik, Managing Partner of Financing Solutions is also the host of the popular, The Entrepreneur MBA Podcast. To learn more about the line of credit program, you can visit their website.
Capital at risk. You must be satisfied that this crypto offering is suitable for you in light of your financial circumstances and attitude towards risk. The price or value of cryptocurrencies can rapidly increase or decrease at any time. The risk of loss in holding cryptocurrencies can be substantial. Funds received by us in relation to cryptocurrency transactions are not safeguarded (under the UK Electronic Money Regulations 2011) or covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. References to AQRU herein mean to Accru Finance Ltd. Use of AQRU’s products and services is subject to our Terms of Use, which can be found at